{{2010_12_13_t1.jpg}} {{2010_12_13_t2.jpg}} {{2010_12_13_t3.jpg}} [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/de/doku.php/jn_de_2010_12_13|Deutsche Version]] [[Start|| Wiki Start]] [[topics_collection_ii|| Topics Collection ii ]] ======Advent - what do you know? ...====== Monday, Dec 13, 2010. Recently we heard about some interview on a Christmas market in a large town in the country. There was a statue of the child Jesus, of Mary and Josef. The interviewer asked some people: do you know who this is? "Perhaps Adam and Eve?" was the answer. {{2010_12_13.jpg }} **Do you know the story? ...** How much do you know about Christmas? Some people say, that it is the festival of love. But they do not really think about what type of love it is. Do we know that Christmas is the festival of the love of God. Do we know that it is the festival of his love for us? Advent tells us about God coming to us. God comes in a little child, in Jesus. His coming has been announced for many centuries ... all the Old Testament prophets talk about a special person, a saviour. These prophesies are not like a natural law, which we try to predict. They talk about God's plans, about his will to come and save. They tell us what will happen, such that we have a chance to understand the reality of these events. How much do you personally know about the Christmas story? Have you ever read the original texts, the gospel of Matthew and the gospel of Luke? Have you read the letters of the apostles, which interpret the events, which talk about the time after Jesus came? {{ 2010_12_13_2.jpg}} **How can we tell the story? ...** How can we tell the story to the people living around us and with us? First, we need to know it ourselves. We need to understand it. We need to meet Jesus - today. We can meet him by reading the biblical texts. We can meet him in prayer. We can go to him and start to live with him. He is here by the Holy Spirit. He is with us every day! But then we need to find ways to tell the story. God comes to us! God is there in Jesus. Heaven and earth come close. You will find your special words, your special way to tell the story to the people of your time. You will find ways to communicate the gospel ... just be open to do it and ask the Lord for his help. Just go! [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/en/doku.php/topics_collection_ii|... more texts]]