{{2012_01_30_t1.jpg}} {{2012_01_30_t2.jpg}} {{2012_01_30_t3.jpg}} [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/de/doku.php/jn_de_2012_01_30|Deutsche Version]] [[Start|| Wiki Start]] [[topics_collection_iv|| Topics Collection iv ]] ======Attractive Things ...====== Monday, January 30, 2012. What is attractive? What attracts me? What makes me feel better? Is there something which really makes me move, wakes me up, keeps me awake? {{2012_01_30.jpg }} **Sports, Books, Food, ...** I like doing some sports, jogging, playing basketball or football. It is attractive. It is just great. It is great fun to feel my body, to run, to go for a goal, to score ... It is fantastic and attractive to do sports. For me, that is great! Some people are attracted by books. My kids love to read Harry Potter and other phantasy books. They can spend hours and hours sitting in some corner and reading. Thy are attracted by books, by the right kind of books with fantastic stories, with exciting events and characters. There are so many different things which can be attractive! I like food. I am not the gourmet, not the one who needs very special things which make me feel good. Just getting some doner or a pizza is completely fine with me. Or some cheese and a red wine. There are many affordable things which can be attractive and nice for body and soul. {{ 2012_01_30_2.jpg}} **God's Beauty ...** When we talk about attractive things, I also need to mention faith. I need to talk about the Lord. He is not as easily comprehensible as other things which surround us daily. He is the eternal God and eternal Lord, beyond all our experience and our reason, but also close to us through his word and his spirit. He is the most beautiful Lord, the great fantastic Lord, the one to be praised! One can be highly attracted by the Lord, indeed! If you want to grasp the beauty of sports, you need to do sports. If you want to grasp the beauty of a book, start to read it! If you want to feel the attraction of some food, you should start to eat it, try it. That also applies to the Lord. If you want his beauty to enter your life, start to open up for him. Start to talk to him. Start to believe in him! There are many attractive things in this world. But nothing compares to the Lord. He is the source of attraction, the source of all beauty. (Roland Potthast) [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/en/doku.php/topics_collection_iv|... more texts]]