{{2012_11_19_t1.jpg}} {{2012_11_19_t2.jpg}} {{2012_11_19_t3.jpg}} [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/de/doku.php/jn_de_2012_11_19|Deutsche Version]] [[Start|| Wiki Start]] [[topics_collection_iv|| Topics Collection iv ]] ======The Role of Money ...====== Monday, Nov 19, 2012. Money has moved my mind for quite a while. Since I have been a student, I have been thinking about how to organize my money and make the most out of it ... {{2012_11_19.jpg }} **How important is money? ...** I have always known, that money is {{ 2012_11_19_2.jpg}} **not** the most important thing in the world. There is much more, there is life, which you cannot buy. You cannot buy most of the things which make life worth living: friendship, joy, a life free of sorrows or worries. You cannot buy scientific adventures, you cannot buy the excitement which comes with discovery. You cannot buy the excitiment of sports. You cannot buy ... there is so much. But since I have been a student - and then later as a family member, as a father with three kids - I had to think about how to organize myself with the money I had. How to pay the rent for a room, or a house later. How to pay my food and my phone. How much to spend in restaurants and pubs ... Later, we also had to finance a car, we had to pay for school trips of the kids, ... Money IS important, since it is a part of our daily life. Money interacts with the way we live. If you have plenty of money and can buy, what ever you want, you will approach your days and weeks in a different way than if you have to think about every Euro or Pound. Money interacts with our life style. When your life style fits your income, you do not need to think a lot. You will spend what you have (or less), and you will be fine! So it is this relationship, we need to think about. Putting important things into the center ... In 1 Timothy 6 we hear that the apostle Paul says: "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." So we shall not love money, when we want to keep our faith active. That is a very important and highly interesting advice and commandment. When we love money, we put it into the center of our life. But money should not be there. The New Testament asks us to put God into the center. Him and no one else. He is the creator. He is the origin. He has made it all - including the money. If we love money, we are in a process where we replace God's role by a mere object. The object might be useful, but that should be its role, nothing else! It is quite difficult, to let go. If you have loved money for a long time, it will be difficult for you, to change your priorities. It might be difficult, to let money be just something you use, but not really important. But it is exciting, to discover the Lord. It is fantastic, to learn who he is, and how he manages things. And with him in our center, money will be a tool, which we use to live in his spirit ... (Roland Potthast) [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/en/doku.php/topics_collection_iv|... more texts]]