{{2014_03_17_t1.jpg}} {{2014_03_17_t2.jpg}} {{2014_03_17_t3.jpg}} [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/de/doku.php/jn_de_2014_03_17|Deutsche Version]] [[Start|| Wiki Start]] [[topics_collection_vi|| Topics Collection vi ]] ======Vanity ...====== Monday, Mar 17, 2014. Sometimes you have the feeling that nothing works, that all your work does not pay, and that all you try to reach does not work. In a flush of frustration, you might find consolation in the biblical books ... {{2014_03_17.jpg }} **The words of the Preacher ...** Let us listen to the preacher in the book "Ecclesiastes": 1 The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. 2 Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity. 3 What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun? 4 A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever. 5 The sun rises, and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it rises. 6 The wind blows to the south and goes around to the north; around and around goes the wind, and on its circuits the wind returns. 7 All streams run to the sea, but the sea is not full; to the place where the streams flow, there they flow again. (Ecclesiastes 1) The preacher looks into life - and he considers his experiences with life. He investigates things we can take into our heart. We can cling our heart to something. We can try to put our effort into trying to reach something special. We can put our heart into friendship, treasures, fame, nature, pleasure, fun ... and many other things! But it is all vanity. It is fantastic, that the bible has this special book. It complements the others, the historical books, the prophetic books, the New Testament books. It is an open door for all those of us who did not yet understand the strong stories around Christ, but are full of search for wisdom and understanding We should read this book and think about it, but we should not remain only with it, but also move forward to the New Testament! {{ 2014_03_17_2.jpg}} **Only the Lord gives Purpose ...** > What is it that gives purpose to our life? It is the Lord only, it is God with his spirit. Only he is the creator. Only he has eternal life. Only he is the source and target of creation. So it is very important to turn to the Lord, and let HIM guide us. The Preacher, after going through different situations of life, returns to God in his Chapter 12: 12 My son, beware of anything beyond these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh. 13 The end of the matter; all has been heard. **Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.** 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, with4 every secret thing, whether good or evil. (Ecclesiastes 12) Fear God, since he is a mighty force. He can help and will help. He can come with guidance and salvation into your life, today and tomorrow! (Roland Potthast) [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/en/doku.php/topics_collection_vi|... more texts]]