{{2014_11_14_t1.jpg}} {{2014_11_14_t2.jpg}} {{2014_11_14_t3.jpg}} [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/de/doku.php/jn_de_2014_11_14|Deutsche Version]] [[Start|| Wiki Start]] [[topics_collection_vi|| Topics Collection vi ]] ======Living Water III ...====== Friday, Nov 14, 2014. How does the life "in the Holy Spirit" work, which Jesus promises us when we follow him. This is not a new question. {{2014_11_14.jpg }} **Switch Life On ...** "What do I have to do to earn eternal life"? The question has been asked to Jesus, and he started to repeat the commandments (Mark 10). But Jesus also points the guy to following him. Let all things go and follow me ... that is what he says. Switch life on, do not stay outside! We need to take the different statements of the New Testament together. The apostles also told the new believers to stay within their profession, to continue the jobs they had when they came to faith. They told them to earn their own living. Letting everything go does not mean to give up earning money. It can, in some special situations, mean that you go into a full-time Christian job. But that needs a calling to that job, as you have a calling into your normal job as mentioned above. The life which you are called to is to be lived within your normal circumstances. It can be found today, where you are, in your special trouble, in your special joy, in you immediate environment. God is there, to be in our day, every day. {{ 2014_11_14_2.jpg}} **Pray and Follow ...** > There are two main elements to enter the living water stream. One is to talk to the Lord, to pray. Prayer can be carried out at any time, where ever you are. Just talk to him, he IS listening. The capacity of God to listen to all of us is just great, just fantastic, just unbelievable! The second element is that you should follow him practically. Just do, what you clearly see to be his will. That does not mean you should do crazy things, but the very basic and important steps of truth, faith and love. Practice forgiveness. Ask for forgiveness for all what you did wrongly. Forgive others ... There is a fantastic strength in his love, in his truth, in his forgiveness. When his view enters your day, you start to discover a fantastic world, fantastic people and great things everywhere. Your eyes will change, and your heart will change. It is like living water, being there in your life, from one secont to the other, and then again and again, when ever you turn to him ... (RWEP) [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/en/doku.php/topics_collection_vi|... more texts]]