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Marriage 1 - The bible's view ...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010. We have talked about the relationship between men and women last week. How does the bible see marriage? That is an interesting point - since it reflects Jesus' view. Lets look at some of the cornerstones of marriage.

How the bible sees marriage

The bible notes that God created mankind in man and woman. One man is meant to be together with one woman. That was the original idea. The bible even puts some kind of deep mystery into this relationship. It is more than just a relationship, when a man and a woman find each other and live the unity which God planned to emerge, then they are “one flesh”.

You might think that it is pretty useless to talk about some old ideal which hardly ever works. Or you might think that you don't want to go in this direction but that marriage should be for men and women where ever they like and with whom they like, men with men or woman with woman, changing partnerships, marriage for two years, then another marriage, then a third and a fourth one. That is the reality of our world. But when we talk about God's original view, as it is reflected both in the Old Testament and the New Testament, then we need to dig into the real marriage, the relationship between one man and one woman, united in love and by the power of God.

Marriage is not meant to be destroyed. That is also part of the original idea of God. God is a trustworthy and faithful God. He does not break relationships and he wants our relationships to be firm and sustainable, deep in love and full of continuing support. It is not an option to break up a marriage. That is a quite categorical view. But it is the view of Jesus. He talked about the law of Moses and the option of breaking up marriages. But he denied it to be a real option. It is something which might be carried out if the misery and hardship is unbearable. It is not a real option. It is a tragedy!

Bible? Jesus? God?

You might ask: is this the guidance of God? Is it the word of Jesus? Or is it only some old law, something from an “Old Testament” which has no meaning today? The question is good and important! Lets have a closer look at it.

Jesus himself confirms the sincerity of marriage. He comes to restore and heal, to be there with his love and mercy and reconcile mankind with God. The more important is his view on marriage. He does not want marriage to break. Do not break up marriage, that is his word, not an old and unimportant word, but the word of the son of God and eternal savior.

Of course, we do not live in an ideal world and we need to find a path to go, today. We need to deal with unfortunate circumstances, with the difficulties of relationships, with broken love and personal tragedies. As Christians we are called to help each other, to support each other. We are called to be there for the other person, what ever happens. If a marriage breaks, the person needs even more support and help than before. It needs more love and more acceptance. A broken marriage breaks a life, even if we do not want to see this. The injuries are deep and lasting. Jesus' forgiveness, his cross, his power, is there to heal and help in particular in such difficult situations.

But at the same time, lets follow his vision and his guidance as far as possible. Let us teach what he taught. And let us encourage young and old couples to grow in love and understanding. Let us open fresh ways for young people to get to know the joy of marriage, to find access to sustainable relationships. There is a lot to do … ... more texts