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Suffering 5 - Suffering from the media ...

Saturday, June 12, 2010. Suffering has been our topic for the last days. There are many features here - and I would like to raise some particular points.

Writing and reading about the topic, I realized an important point which makes me suffer every day. I am quite active in reading the media, newspapers and publications here and there. That can cause suffering.


Terrible experience

When I am looking through the press, with an active attitude, that is a terrible experience. There are so many articles which have the sole purpose to raise emotions and put people down. As soon as someone has any type of responsibility, the media are jumping at him or her. The articles are just terrible, real poison of the heart and the mind.

I am looking for some justified words, but I cannot find many. In Germany the president resigned recently. The words about him were just devastating. Most articles were negative. It is a feature of the German press to be negative anyway, but here most of them were even worse than usual. Why is it so difficult to write some balanced sentences? Why is it so difficult to talk about good things and talk about bad things as well? Why is the press so negative? I love Germany, but I do not love the German press, definitely not. And writing this I am adding to the negative news, too bad.

I am searching for good and balanced articles. There must be an alternative to the current media presence. I tend to look through the various newspapers, and one is worse than the other. Over the last two weeks I could not find many reasonable articles, perhaps those about the European Song Contest, where a young German girl won, who is quite authentic, which was acknowledged. But then the articles were putting down her abilities to sing or were trying to find flaws of her manager.


There must be better ways

But there must be better ways and there will be better ways. If there is one thing that God taught me so far, then it is the fact that there is always hope as long as he lives. Since he lives forever, there IS hope. WOW!

I am not clear how we will change the media landscape. I am not clear how we will get out of the negative spiral, move into something different, something which is authentic but not just authentic in a complete mess, but with real hope to build up an encouraging society. I am not clear, but at the same time I know that it is possible, that it MUST come!

Could it be that the Lord asks me and you and further people to raise their voice and be constructive with our society? Could it be that politics can be and will be better than it is currently? Could it be that the media landscape will change, that sincere and honest and constructive newspapers will arise? Could it be, that we change the world? Think about it. I believe that we can. There will be a way. I am looking forward to the next steps and to the change that is about to come! Praise to the Lord, in him there is hope that change will be real … ... more texts