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Community I - Different Types of Community ...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012. Humans need and have community. We would not be able to live without it. But community can take place on many levels. As a starting point, let us just go over the list …


What types of community …

Kids have community with their parents. Infants live in a very close way with their mother and father. When kids grow, of course this community changes, every year it will transform into something different. It is quite fascinating, to experience community between parents and kids.

We have community with a partner or a friend. Marriage is the deep bond which can be our strongest community day by day. But also friendship is important, with exchange and joint activities, with reliability and advice for all parts of life.

There is also community with colleagues, with customers and with contractors. When we work we live in a network of relationships of different type, and all of them establish particular types of community. Community is there with other kids in school, with other students at university, with fellow participants in courses and programmes.


Community with the Lord …

The bible speaks of community with the Lord. He is the beginning and the end - and he wants a relationship with every human. The New Testament puts this community into the centre of its attention. For humans, community with the Lord is the most important thing, since from there we can start to adequately live and build other relationships.

The community with the Lord is special. It has elements of other types of community. But first of all, he IS the Lord. He is infinite and without limits. We are, however, finite and full of limits. The community with the Lord cannot be on equal terms, though it is built on freedom. He wants us to be his children. He wants us to trust in him. He wants us to believe him.

The community with the Lord can grow, as other types of community. It may start with little things, with my wish to get to know him. It can start with a little prayer, when I turn to him and tell him: Lord, here I am! Come into my life! The community with the Lord can turn out to be fantastic. Living with a being which is wise and full of love, truth, and courage is an experience beyond limits …! (Roland Potthast) ... more texts