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Weakness and Sin ...

Thursday, Sept 6, 2012. A weakness is where I am not able to do something. Weakness means I am not strong enough or smart enough or gifted enough to deliver. Weakness means I cannot do … for whatever reason.


Weakness we need to handle …

But there are things, which I need to avoid. If someone reacts to counterarguments by force, that can be seen as a weakness to use arguments and reason, but it is more than a weakness. Force does not resolve the matter and generates problems. Force is not a solution, but leads to guilt!

We need to distinguish between weakness and sin, between weakness and guilt. Weakness means I cannot do. Sin means I act in a way which is wrong, which hurts other people, myself and God. Guilt means I do things which I should not do, or I do not do what needs to be done. Weakness can lead to sin. Not every weakness, but some weaknesses.

People with some addiction are weak. They have weaknesses. But addiction is a broad mixture of an illness and of guilt. When you are addicted to drugs or alcohol, you also generate problems and you hurt yourself and others. You should not do that, but you do - there is your guilt and your responsibility. But you are weak, and it is not easy to change your behavior. How much guilt do you really have, if you have no choice? Or do you have a choice, to 10%, 50%, 90%? That is something which is often a crucial question at court.


Do not sin any more …

In the stories of the New Testament Jesus is dealing with many types of illnesses and weaknesses. Some he just heals. But there is usually the first word: your sins are forgiven. Weakness and illness is seen in a broader context. Jesus seems to put a priority on the component which deals with our own responsibility with life. Forgiveness is important to him. It is the first step of the healing process.

One important point I have learned from the discussions and actions of Jesus is that he is taking our responsibility serious, even in weaknesses. “Do not sin any more!” he is telling the woman who had many men. We was weak … but still he gave her a command and asked her to move away from destructive behavior.

Sin and weakness are often close to each other. We need to see clearly what part of our behavior is weakness and what part is sin. And we need to find ways to deal with both, with our weakness and with our sin. And with respect to our sin, we know what Jesus is saying: “Do not sin any more!” … (Roland Potthast) ... more texts