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Benefit for All ...

Monday, Nov 26, 2012. When you work in some larger company or institution, with many different parts, one key question is: how do the different parts work together? Do they work in a way that maximum benefit is achieved for all of them? Or are there some who mainly work for their own benefit, and do not care for the others?


Joint Action …

For humans it seems natural to act in a way which generates the most benefit for yourself. There are various theories which try to explain why humans act as they do. Egoism is usually involved, directly or indirectly.

But it might well be that it is difficult to see what helps me most. Is it good to help someone else? Is it good to create general trust, a world where everyone is fine? Perhaps that helps me most! If the others are well, I benefit stronger from it than when I am well only, and the others are not.

Today, we live in a world where we all pay taxes, and the state is supposed to care for the general good. We give tax money, with huge benefit which we get back in terms of infrastructure, secure roads and towns, water and electricity, various services in towns, states and on the federal level, education etc etc. …


What Jesus tells us …

Jesus tells us to care for one another. Jesus tells us to give, where someone is in need. Many of the biblical commands are on an individual level: if someone needs you to walk with him, go! If someone needs clothing, give him! Jesus establishes a strong principle of mutual help. Everyone is asked to act in a responsible way, searching the benefit of the others.

However, the teaching of Jesus is much deeper than just asking for actions of help. He wants us to love one another. He wants every human to lead a full life, full of purpose and love, full of justice and passion. We are asked to support one another in this direction.

The general good in the bible is not an abstract general good, where the state would benefit, but the individuals suffer. It is a general good, where every individual benefits. It is a good where love and attention is in the center of all our action. It is a general good, which enables all our creative powers, and which by peace helps to keep and further develop what we have achieved! (Roland Potthast) ... more texts