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What is praise given for? ...

Thursday, Nov 29, 2012. In your environment: What are the criteria which are used to judge people, to give praise to people, to tell them: “What you did is good!” …? It is strongly connected to what we call “common good”.


What is it that triggers praise? …

In the university environment, which I am a part of, praise is usually given for general achievements. Someone has won a prize. Someone has been invited to give a plenary talk at a conference. Someone has been elected into a management committee, or has won some big grant, or has written many publications in good journals. Praise is given for achievements, and it is the achievements of the individuals, which help the group, department or university.

In the government environment, which I am part of as well, that is completely different. Here, no one really cares about invitations - it is even bad to travel, since you are away and cannot take care of the local things, which are the main activity. No one really cares about publications. And praise is not given for any external appreciation which you get - it rather causes opposition and envy if you get too much external status. The system does not give you any praise, I am afraid, you have to give praise yourself and be an independent individual.

What is it, you get praise for in the family? Often, you get praise for being there and playing with the kids. But when you are working, to earn the money which all need, that does not give you much praise. It is often said that the people who work get their positive feedback by the work they do - and to some extent that is right. But it is completely disconnected to what happens internally. The kids live in their own world, with school and friends and hobbies. They do not have much connection to the professional world of work, and there are not many pathways between these worlds.


God's praise …

What is it that God gives you praise for? We need to read the gospels, where Jesus talks to his disciples. He gives praise for faith. He gives praise for help given to others. He gives praise for justice, solidarity, love and care.

If you consider money as the praise of our modern society, as the main tool in which value is expressed, we do not value “care” very much. People working in care have low earnings. People taking care of others do not have high status in our communities. But they are very much needed! Jesus also gives praise for patience. He loves those who are sincere and faithful, who can wait for him to act. He loves those who believe in him and trust him. He loves those who are full of love and friendliness towards others. He loves those who are honest, with a heart full of truth.

It is good to have people in your team and environment, who are smart and capable. It is good to have good managers there, good scientists, good secretaries and services. Achievements are not bad. But it is much better to have honest people there, patient people, loving people, those who take care and those who are friendly. It is good to be with people of faith, faith in him, who live with him and follow his spirit and guidance. (Roland Potthast) ... more texts