{{2009_04_07_t1.jpg}} {{2009_04_07_t2.jpg}} {{2009_04_07_t3.jpg}} [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/de/doku.php/jn_de_2009_04_07|Deutsche Version]] [[Start|| Wiki Start]] [[topics_collection_i|| Topics Collection i ]] ======C-Text - Christian Blog.====== Tuesday, April 7, 2009. How strong is God's power? I am asking this question when I continue thinking about yesterday's topics here, about the question how I can find time to be with the Lord. Days may be full - mine are often, with a family, with the activities of my job and further things. I know that this is similar with many people of my age group. We could think that there is no time left to be with God, to spend time in prayer or in silence before him. {{2009_04_07.jpg }} How strong is God's power? This is also a question about how strong this power is in my own life. Do I see his fingerprint in my life? Do I experience his power, when I go into a quick prayer to open the door for more prayer, for his guidance and leadership in my life? Do I realize the many options he has? Am I aware of his many possibilities? I do not mean that I need to prescribe God particular options. Usually that does not work. But he has options I do not know, which I even cannot imagine. His possibilities of control are far beyond my own limits! What is a good way to open my own mind to God's possibilities? One tool might be to dream of his actions in the light of the bible. Isn't that a good idea? Let us dream together! Let's start right now! I dream of his power generating justice. I dream of stable and sustainable relations between me and my colleagues, between the scientists in this world working jointly on fascinating problems, driving our knowledge forward. I dream of a community of research, which is not degenerated by competition, but which can use competition in a positive way to encourage progress - without leaving many behind, but finding a place for everyone! I dream of relaxing times with friends and family, of acceptance and love on various levels, a flourishing community in my neighborhood as well as everywhere on this planet. In the light of the New Testament my dreams change and adapt ... and they start to grow into God's will and God's visions for us and our world! [R.W.E.P., jesusnetwork.eu] {{ 2009_04_07_2.jpg}} [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/en/doku.php/topics_collection_i|... more texts]]