{{2011_03_09_t1.jpg}} {{2011_03_09_t2.jpg}} {{2011_03_09_t3.jpg}} [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/de/doku.php/jn_de_2011_03_09|Deutsche Version]] [[Start|| Wiki Start]] [[topics_collection_iii|| Topics Collection iii ]] ======A fresh start ...====== Wednesday, March 9, 2011. Sometimes in our life there are times when everything seems to be stuck. And then, suddenly, things move forward. We need these times, were we find a fresh start ...! {{2011_03_09.jpg }} **Finding a fresh start ...** I have been in a rather static environment. Nothing seemed to move. But suddenly, it seemed as if everything was prepared for a fresh start, for a new beginning! I do not claim to know everything about the "right time", about the kairos, about the lucky moment in which one can reach things which seemed to be unreachable before. But I know that things like this happen. You seem to be stuck for a while. You need a lot of patience. And suddenly, things move forward. New possibilities appear, just like the sun in the morning, just like spring after the winter. When you find a fresh start in one area of your life, this usually also leads to movement in other parts. When we see that change is possible, that progress is happening, then we might also search for progress in other parts of our life. And when we search, we will find! {{ 2011_03_09_2.jpg}} **A fresh start with God? ...** This morning I thought: why not also make a fresh start with God? Why not ask him, to start from the beginning? Why not ask him to act as if we never met before, but want to get to know each other? Why not start faith from the very beginning? Who are you, Lord, eternal God? Who are you, and who can you be for me? There is the old word from the Psalms: God's grace is new every morning. That is something which can encourage us to go the path with a fresh start. There is another passage, where God strongly insists on fresh love. He wants our fresh love every day. Not old love. Not no love. Fresh, new, tingly love! A fresh start is possible. Lets do it today. Let us open our eyes and look around: the world is truly amazing! It is wondrous! It is unbelievable. It is of a complexity which is astonishing. It is of a simplicity and beauty which is breathtaking. It is made by the Lord, and he wants to be with us. Here we are, Lord, today as never before! [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/en/doku.php/topics_collection_iii|... more texts]]