{{2011_07_22_t1.jpg}} {{2011_07_22_t2.jpg}} {{2011_07_22_t3.jpg}} [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/de/doku.php/jn_de_2011_07_22|Deutsche Version]] [[Start|| Wiki Start]] [[topics_collection_iii|| Topics Collection iii ]] ======Can we work on making dreams real? ...====== Friday, July 22, 2011. It is wonderful to dream of things! It can be fantastic to imagine the realization of a situation which we long for. It is great when you get a clear picture of the situation or state you want to reach. Having clear goals is good. {{2011_07_22.jpg }} **Work on realizing dreams ...** But then we need to work towards the realization of the dreams. Often, we seem to wake up, look around and realize that we are far away from the state we dream of. It can be quite frustrating ... dreaming of a green forest, but sitting in the desert. I had this situation many times in my life, and I know that many others (if not everyone on the planet) know this as well. You are longing for a partner, but did not yet find one. You are looking for a job, but the right job did not yet turn up. You search for some type of success in your job, but you seem stuck in a situation which is not really satisfactory. But exactly when we seem to be stuck far away from our dreams, we need to keep dreaming and need to keep working on the situation. We need to keep dreaming of a world where everyone can live from the work of his hands. We need to keep dreaming of everyone finding a partnership which fully fits. We need to keep dreaming everyone finding a place to invest his or her gifts and talents and to receive appreciation for the things they do. We need to work towards a reasonable life for everyone, based on truth and humanness. {{ 2011_07_22_2.jpg}} **The role of God's blessing ...** I think that we desperatly need God in all we do. We need him in our dreams, and we need him when we work on realizing our dreams. Only he can help us to have a balanced mind, based on truth and humility. Only he can guide us to develop fully mature human relationships and to find social peace on all levels. We need the Lord on all layers of our life and on all layers of society! How do you work towards your dreams? Are you aware of the dreams of others? Do they have their chance as well? We need God's guidance and God's blessing when we work on realizing our dreams. When his blessing comes, we will reach sustainable solutions. When his blessing comes into our life, he will make sure that we are not just following some strange ideas, but that the goals we have and the tasks we succeed with are in a balance with our talents and our needs. He will make sure that we live in truth, not based on lies and deception. He will make sure that we do not live on the costs of others, but by putting in our own contributions as he has given them to us. When his blessing comes, it makes things truly good! [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/en/doku.php/topics_collection_iii|... more texts]]