{{2012_05_07_t1.jpg}} {{2012_05_07_t2.jpg}} {{2012_05_07_t3.jpg}} [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/de/doku.php/jn_de_2012_05_07|Deutsche Version]] [[Start|| Wiki Start]] [[topics_collection_iv|| Topics Collection iv ]] ======Community III - Where is my base? ...====== Monday, May 7, 2012. Where am I at home with my relationships? Where is my base? Where am I at peace? {{2012_05_07.jpg }} **Where am I at home? ...** When kids grow up, they are very closely linked to their parents. They are at home with their parents. For an infant or a little child, it does not matter where the family moves. They are at home where the family is, where their parents live. We have moved twice when our kids were one and two years old - and it was no problem at all. But later, we start to build friendships and a move will be more difficult. We start to build a home locally ... Where am I at home with my feelings, with my relationships? You might be at home with your feelings in a partnership or marriage. You might be at home in a community of friends and relatives. Is it giving a framework of security and peace? When marriages experience difficulties, this peace and home is threatened. So many people feel like the basis of their life is taken away, when personal difficulties rise in their family relationships. Or we might not have a home at all for our relationships. Perhaps we are still searching for it, still searching for a partner - with the idea that this will fill our void, that peace will come with another human. {{ 2012_05_07_2.jpg}} **The Lord is my home ...** The New Testament talks about peace as well. It talks about the home of our relationships and emotions. It names the Lord as the only lasting home for us. It names the Lord as the source and as the fundament of peace for us. God wants to be our centre and our home. He can be - a living source of peace day by day. There is the old wisdom, that when you rest in the Lord, you have a sound basis for building relationships. But without him, it is much more difficult. God gives peace into our heart, he forgives and his forgiveness will penetrate every part of our life. The New Testament formulates the invitation to base our life in him. It invites you and me to believe in him. This belief is not something abstract, but is an invitation to believe today, with every step of our life, to trust him with what we do now. (Roland Potthast) [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/en/doku.php/topics_collection_iv|... more texts]]