{{2014_07_02_t1.jpg}} {{2014_07_02_t2.jpg}} {{2014_07_02_t3.jpg}} [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/de/doku.php/jn_de_2014_07_02|Deutsche Version]] [[Start|| Wiki Start]] [[topics_collection_vi|| Topics Collection vi ]] ======Hope is Needed ...====== Wednesday, July 2, 2014. Humans are very human. That has positive and negative aspects. We are what we are, with our limitations, with our skills. With all what we can do, and all what we cannot do. {{2014_07_02.jpg }} **Understanding ...** One important point is to understand each other. How is it possible that we manage to understand what we think, what we feel, what drives us. Our hopes and dreams, our fears and the dark parts within us? I have been reading a Christian character scheme recently, called "the enneagramm". This scheme has already helped me 20 years ago, when I started to be an elder in the church. It helped me to understand why and how some of our members act and what guides them. It helped me to understand myself in a better way, my own reactions, my own fears ... We need a deeper understanding. We need to bridge the gaps which are there between us, the grand canyons which seperate us from each other as humans. Of course, there are those with whom we get along well. But there are also all the others, who are different and have their different internal way to deal with things. {{ 2014_07_02_2.jpg}} **Ethics and more ...** > It is not only about ethics! Of course, we make decisions, and humans can hurt each other. Humans can make wrong decisions. The bible clearly tells us what is good and what is not - God gives us a clear compass. But living together and working together means more, in the Christian environment as well as in a worldly environment. It needs hope - and it can only lead to real hope if understanding and cooperation grows. How can we reach this? One thing is that we need to gain understanding. And then, we need to act. We need to do what helps, not what destroys. There are two steps, strongly connected. Understand ... and do what is good. I have made my decision, again, that I want to give it a try. I will try today, and tomorrow, and not stop easily. Hope and understanding are things to fight for. And I will hope that God helps us, with his spirit, and with his limitless possibilities, which are far beyond everything we could do. (Roland Potthast) [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/en/doku.php/topics_collection_vi|... more texts]]