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Tuesday, March 3, 2009. We have been talking about talents yesterday, and that you can use them for yourself or for the good of everyone.

The city of Tokyo has 34 Million people living there in just a few square miles. The city of London has 7 Million inhabitants. All these people have talents and strengths. They also have weaknesses. Imagine that all 34 Million try to take away things from each other. That will generate a big pull, where everyone tries to protect what he or she has and where you drift into a society of fear and anxiety. Imagine in contrast to this that everyone tries to give to the people around him. Imagine that you know that whereever you go there are people who want to help you, care for you and give where you need it. This will immediately generate a positive climate of help and trust. What a difference! Jesus has commanded his people to go the way of trust, of forgiveness, of love and help.

Where are we heading today with our societies? Are we more going into the world of taking or the world of giving, the world of fear or the world of trust? If we examine this sincerely we do not really have an alternative. The world of fear will not be able to survive in the long run. Only trust and faith leads to life! Jesus taught this again and again.

The image of the city of Tokyo is an image of our own society on various levels. We find mechanisms like this in science, in business, in art, in music! We need to think about our life, our communities, the rules we use and the goals we have! Imagine a time when society has developed further! Today we have abolished slavery, since we want every human of every race to be accepted. America has a black president. But there are other parts of society which need to be developed further. We are not at the end - more somewhere at the beginning to learn how to develop a human society. [R.P., Reading, UK]

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