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Monday, June 1, 2009. What is the motivation of our actions? What do we want to reach? What is driving us, what is giving us the strength to get up in the morning, to start challenging tasks, to go on, to persevere? What is giving us motivation when things are not working smoothly, when there are problems? What if the wind is blowing head on?


The question of motivation touches every area of our life. It is an important question for everyone, for young and old, for believers and non-believers. There are times when our motivation is challenged. It is as if we are asked: why do you do this? Is it the applause of particular people which made you go on? What if this applause is not coming? What if the success is not there?

When we follow God's words, do we expect immediate success? Do we follow because we are trying to gain something particular? Or are we following because God has said something, because of his command? Do we follow because we know him? Are we driven by love, attracted by his holiness?

We live in a world where the “return on investment” is the main argument for many decisions. Everything wich does not pay within a window of some month or at most some years is dead and will be cancelled. There is a strong logic behind this - the logic of efficiency, the logic of competition where the better way is chosen between competing ideas, competences and strategies. But we need a broader view when we talk about life in general! Investment in some things will not pay immediately or will not pay at all - like caring for a handicapped person or for an old person. Going somewhere to bring faith in Jesus to people does not pay in monetary terms. However, it matters strongly for all who found him and opens a new world to these persons. We need to think about what is important and this cannot be measured by the amount of applause or money it will receive. [R.W.E.P., jesusnetwork.eu]


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