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Starting the faith journey 2 ...

Thursday, Jan 27, 2011. We are starting a faith journey currently. It is a journey to the land of faith.

What do we need to start? What is the starting point? What are important infos we need when we want to be well prepared for our journey?


Freedom …

First, we need to make clear that faith needs freedom. Without the freedom of choice, there is not the faith the bible talks about. Faith needs the freedom to make up your mind. It needs the freedom of discussions. It needs the freedom of questions. It needs the freedom of choices.

Faith needs free decisions. And free decisions need a careful consideration of the matter. They need to look more closely, to study, to raise questions and search for answers.

Faith is much more than to accept some statements about reality. It is something deep. It is something alive! It is a relationship … and relationships need freedom and free decisions.


Trust …

Also, faith needs trust. It is your trust that will move you forward on the journey of faith.

There is the example of hiking in the mountains. It is trust which is needed to carry out the next step. The path to the top will be achieved if you go step by step, in faith.

It is similar with God. You come closer to God if you trust him for the next step. Trust is a big topic on the journey to the land of faith. Faith and trust are closer than brothers or sisters. ... more texts