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Faith Journey 8 - An Encouraging Promise ...

Monday, Feb 7, 2011. The bible is full of encouraging promises. God knows that there is a lot in this world that wants to make us loose courage. This is the reason for God to give us firm promises. They are like crutches, which can be used by faith to move on. “God has said it, and he will do it!”

Excourse to the Old Testament …

We have already talked about two promises. One is that God wants to supply what we need. The second promise we mentioned was the one that God wants to carry our baggage, the guilt of our life. Today, we want to listen to another promise, a very beautiful one, highly attracting.

With this new promise we read the Old Testament for the first time in this X-Tours faith journey. The promise can be found in the book of the prophet Ezechiel. He is writing around 600 years before the birth of Christ. It was a time where the people of Israel were in Exile, captured and suppressed.

Ezekiel is getting to know the magnificence of God. It is written about some vision, where he is taken to God to see wonderful things.

A New Time…

Ezekiel realizes the deep difference between the holiness of God and the behaviour and goals of the people of Israel. With this he is chosen to be a guard and prophet. He annouces God's judgement day, but also a new time to come, a time of grace, in which God takes away all the guilt and wickedness of the people, by making them just without relying on their actions.

600 years before the birth of Christ Ezekiel announces what Jesus claimed to be and bring: a saviour, a good shepherd, a king of peace. We will read his promise in Ezekiel 36 tomorrow … ... more texts