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Old Things Discovered New ...

Friday, March 11, 2011. Look at the images we have on the front page of the Jesus Network today. They show a church in the north of France, an old church, which has been built many centuries ago. Is it a symbol of faith, of faith, which has its origin in the life and death of Jesus, 2000 years ago?

The Church is Old …

Indeed, the church is old, measured with human scales. The Jewish church is even older than the Christian church, it dates back more than 5000 years to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

It is no acident, that the church is old. It is no accident that faith has started early in the development of mankind. Let us look at the basic szenario: if God is the creator of the universe, and if mankind has been created by him to live with him, then it is clear that faith will grow with mankind.

The struggle of men, to relate to God, is as old as mankind. The search of the eternal, the source, the ultimate goals … all this is as old as our existence.

The church is old, and it is good so. It is good that it started more than 5000 years ago, in form of Jewish faith, in form of the prophets, who talked about God, in form of the ten commandments and the early promises which God gave Abraham.

New Life Today …

But faith did not stop 5000 years ago. It did not stop 2000 years ago, when Jesus died. On the contrary, it received new life. It was confirmed. it was deepened, God has shown more of himself step by step. He wanted to be with his people, he wanted to life with mankind, wanted faith and trust.

Today, he wants to fill our churches with new life, with HIS life. He wants to show himself - through the old texts as through the life within Christian communities. He wants to be there. He wants to guide us and fill us. New life has always accompanied the relationship of God to humans. He is the source of life, in the past as today. His grace is new every morning …

The relationship between the old and the new in faith is exciting. How can the oldest being be the youngest at the same time? For today we note, that God is both, the beginning and the end! ... more texts