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New Opportunities ...

Monday, January 9, 2012. A new year means there are new opportunities! What is it, that it brings? We might wait for doors to open. We might find luck, love, and income options … but there is much more.


Things I would like to learn …

There are things I would like to learn. The old year brought new challenges to my personal time management. I would like to learn to manage my time better. That is a generic wish, which you might have as well!

For me, time management means I would like to have time for people, in my job, for my family and beyond. It is time to work, time to chat, time to spend time together, time for sports …

But I also would like to have more time for science. Sitting down and writing scientific papers … that is something I enjoy, it is thrilling to think about the structures of weather prediction, or the structures of cognitive neuroscience. It is fantastic to explore how inverse problems can be solved … that is my area of science. And I would like to learn more … things no one knows yet!


Living Faith …

There are also many things I would like to learn in the area of faith. Some of these things are questions of theology … some of them old, others quite typical for our modern viewpoint. I would like to understand some parts of the bible better … what does it really mean, how does God see this, not only humans!

But it is not only understanding of the bible. How do we bring faith into our communities - the Christian communities and our wider environment. Faith is an open invitation for everyone, but it is also something great and fantastic. People who live faith actively can be good and inspiring for everyone. They will be helpful, truthful and full of consideration. But they will also occasionally speak against bad habits, that can be a challenge.

A new year is a great opportunity to explore faith. It is an opportunity to learn more about faith, to learn more about how we live in faith and who God is! He is there, waiting for us to follow him and come to him in prayer. There are so many fantastic opportunities with him … (Roland Potthast) ... more texts