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The Reality Check ...

Wednesday, Nov 27, 2013. Doctrine needs to face reality. It is not there for itself. It is there to help us, to live. It is there to help us, when we are in trouble. In particular when we are in serious trouble, we will realize what the principles of our life are worth!

What if …?

Have you ever heard of Magda Hollander-Lafon? She survived the concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, as very few of hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews during the Nazi regime. What she reports is so terrible, that my brain stops to work and my heart stops to beat. How can humans be so cruel and barbarous? And yet, she kept her faith, she has discovered God, in the middle of blood and death and tears.

Magda writes about him: She saw the Jews in her concentration camp, praying to this Lord, which seemed to have forgotten them. The faith of these people started to plant answers into her life - answers to questions she had not yet asked. Later, she started to read the Gospels and discovered Jesus.

Doctrine needs to keep is purpose. It needs to reach our hearts. It needs to be more than words, needs to become power and reality!

A hard fate …


Have you heard of Nick Vujicic, the guy born without arms and legs? He has become a motivation trainer and evangelist. He talks to thousands of people around the world - despite of or perhaps because of the strong limits which his life has. God has given him open doors, where for many others of us doors are closed. His motto is: “if no wonder happens, be one yourself!” Everyone can lead a life full of meaning and purpose, because God loves him and God wants to be with him. God is the God of wonder. This is doctrine, it is words, but in the life of Nick it has become a strong reality, without ignoring the hardship and difficulties, which he has.

A while ago, Samuel Koch was a strong athletic man, who jumped over cars with the help of some mechanical legs. But then, an accident happend during a TV show in German public television. Now, he is paralysed, cannot move anything downward from his neck. His fate moves many, and he is talking about the heardship of it in books and various evening events. He believes in the Lord, but he is fighting his fate, the difficulties of being taken out completely. Lord, why? Lord, why?

If all our doctrine does not help us, it is pretty useless. If our words do not connect us to the Lord, to the power which reigns the universe, they are vain. If our faith does not fill us with peace, with joy, with truth, with wisdom, what is it good for?

But Magda strongly reminds us, that it is not us, who could do that. The struggle in the concentration camp makes it pretty clear: all our power is gone! The fate of Samuel talks to us, that it is not our strength, which will lead us to victory. It is our weakness, which is filled with his grace. It is him, who is the only one who can hold us, who can fill us, who can save us, day by day! (Roland Potthast) ... more texts