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Man and woman 2 - Fantastic! ...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010. Before we go into some biblical discussions of tricky modern questions about men and women, let us look at the basics, at some quite fantastic things. Men and woman are wonderful creatures.


Wonderful creatures!

Have you ever thought about men and women from the viewpoint of amazement? Women are fantastic humans. And men are fantastic humans. We can think about them in the framework of classical ideas as well as in a very modern framework. The effect is just the same: men and women are wonderful!

Men are made with physical strength. But also women have strength, they can do a lot. Men and women both have quite amazing mental capabilities. They can think, reason, plan, judge, feel, laugh, smile, … but also become grumpy and furious. They can be sharp and rejecting, they can be warm and welcoming, they can be human …

In history often women have been more oriented towards other people than men. They have been caring and helping. But that is just a stereotype. There are many caring men and there are tough women everywhere around us. We have been created to live together, with similar capabilities, to be true friends and partners. We are not the same, but in general we have the same or a similar potential.


Physical appearance: beauty

I am a man and I like women. Of course I have my own women and try to keep myself out of the wrong type of engagement with other women. But I have a sense of beauty both of women and of men. Humans have their own beauty. Some of us are really beautiful, others are less beautiful when we use stereotypical measures. But all humans have their own special beauty, they have their own special appearance and gifts. God has made us wonderful, everyone of us, whatever we might think about ourselves.

I like to think about men and women from the viewpoint of creation. God created wonderful beings, beautiful beings. Look at the people around you when you go through your day today or tomorrow. They are beautiful, both men and women. And they are God's creatures, they are made to search for God, to fall in love with the eternal creator and to live with him. And they are made for one another, both mentally and physically, one men for one women and vice versa. As a society, we are there as men and women, with different centers and focal points, with different weights for the various layers of life. We are given to supplement each other, to find joy and satisfaction in the community as well as in the differences.

Men and women are fantastic. God has made it well! ... more texts

jn_en_2010_04_21.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by