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Grace 4 - The Power for a new Beginning ...

Sunday, June 20, 2010. What does grace mean on a daily basis? We cannot always talk about deep things without breaking it down to what it means today and tomorrow. Grace is important for me today!

Perhaps you are working in a company. Or you are state employee with administrative duties. Others are artists, musicians, scientists. We all have various challenges dealing with colleagues and other people around us. Where is the power of grace?


Let it go - and give it a fresh start

For me the power of grace is very important. It is linked to the power of forgiveness and the power of innocence. Where grace is, there is forgiveness and there is the power for a fresh start.

Of course, there are conflicts in our environment. You cannot completely avoid conflicts. You can do your best not to start them yourself where it is not necessary. But as soon as you have any responsibility for something (let it be just for making coffee in time for a group of people), there will be conflicts.

In conflicts, the power of grace is crucial. It means: let it go! If you are not fueling the conflict yourself, let it go. You can forgive. And you can try to start afresh with the other people every day. God's grace is new every morning. That is something of deep power and meaning. There is power to give it a fresh start again and again, to be open and friendly even if old or new wounds are there. Grace is real power.


Some will not listen

Grace is not dependent on the people. It is open, it gives without expecting things back. Grace will keep an open door. When we deal with other people, some will not listen. There are thieves and evil people in this world. To them grace does not mean much. Some try to steal things from old people, they walk around, pretend to collect money for a good purpose and use this to just steal and cause damage. We need to be careful, the world is full of problems. But that should not keep us from living grace!

Even if things do not go well, let us stay in grace. God's grace is just fantastic. It is worth living in it. If people do not want to follow - that is a tragic decision. But we should stay with the grace of the Lord, since it is just worth it. You would not give up an extremely valuable thing just because some other people do not realize its value.

God's grace gives power for a new beginning … every day! ... more texts

jn_en_2010_06_20.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by