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Open our eyes and heart ...

Wednesday, Feb 20, 2013. One key thing about joy seems to be: we need to open our eyes. Only when we open our eyes, we will be able to see. We need to open our heart. Only when we open our heart, we will realize on a deeper level. Only then we will be able to indeed feel the joy, which is promised by the New Testament.


Open eyes …

This morning, the sun is popping through the trees. A sky covered half with clouds, but half with blue spots, is indicating that somethig good is going to happen. We are in the middle of the beauty of a winter landscape, covered with snow. See, how wonderful!

We are allowed to open our eyes. We may. If we do, we will discover the beauty of creation, again and again. And we will feel joy when we see great wonders, when we see fantastic structures, colors more colorful, light full of light. Perception changes, when we open our eyes, when we open our heart.

People are beautiful as well. It might not be their own perception. But to me they appear wondrous again and again … with their ability to move, to do things, to be skilful and artful. Humans are a wonder. Their mind, their emotions, their possibilities: from being aggressive to giving consolation.


An open heart …


With an open heart for the living God we will be able to discover his traces in our day. We will be able to see him and his secret activities. He is there, hidden, but visible in many little details. He wants to be with us and he is with us, when we belong to him.

With an open heart we can be fully honest to ourselves and to the Lord. We can let things go. We can give him our guilt as well as our desire, our longing, everything which is needed. We can go to him, and with him, there is a wide plain for us, space to move, to be, to live. He is the great provider, for every day!

His joy comes, when we live with Jesus, with open eyes and an open heart. When Jesus was born, the angels promised “great joy for all the people”. And indeed, in him and with him, there is great joy and a bouquet of new possibilties for every day … ... more texts

jn_en_2013_02_20.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by