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Power to go a straight path ...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013. How consequent are we living faith? That depends a little bit on what you mean with it. There are some who think living faith means to follow particular rules. But I am more thinking about the deeper and more important parts of faith: truth, love, endurance, peace …


Where does the power come from? …

How do we manage to go a straight path? Where is the power to follow the Lord? Do we have insight enough to know what we should do? And do we have the insight to know the right steps to reach the goals? And when we have the insight into the right goals and the right steps, do we have the power to go these steps?

For example: we should be truthful. We should tell the truth - and more than that, our life should be truthful in the sense that our actions fit to our belief. The goal seems clear, though sometimes we show behaviour which does not fit to the goals. We do not realize how inconsistent we are. Insight is important, insight into how all the different levels of our life fit to our overall goal of truthfulness!

But then: do we know the individual steps towards a truthful life? Do we know how to talk, how to make decisions, how to change our customs and the behaviour we are used to? Do we know how to realize truthfulnesss day by day, in our family, our job, our neighborhood, among our friends and colleagues and in our church?


Power …


We have celebrated pentacost over the past days, the celebration of the Holy Spirit, which is “God with us” and “Jesus with us”. This spirit is given to provide both to us: insight as well as power. The spirit is given to show us and explain, what the goals are and what the steps are. It is given to be a light in our mind and our heart!

And the spirit is given to provide the power to follow Jesus. It is given to be there and help us to make the right decision. It is given to open the life and power of God to us. It is there to let the power and insight of God flow into our life, day by day!

It can happen that we have times in our life where we are strongly depressed and frustrated. It can happen - we all have our challenges and our experiences. But God wants to help us in the middle of these challenges, and he is there with his Holy Spirit. When we turn to him, pray to him and ask him to come into our mind and our heart right now, we can experience the power of the Holy Spirit today. When we ask him sincerely, he will come and the joy of the spirit will fill our heart. In this joy, his power is coming in truth and light.

(Roland Potthast) ... more texts

jn_en_2013_05_21.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by