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Learn from Him ...

Thursday, June 27, 2013. I want to learn from the Lord. He is fantastic. So I want to have more of that, want to learn more, want to be with him in a deeper way, day by day!

Got to know him …

I got to know the Lord quite a while ago. After years where I knew: “I do not know God, but I would like to, if that is possible.” And then I started to discover him. It was an exciting time. I spent hours with the biblical books, and suddenly I could understand - many things which were hidden to me before.

It did not all happen in one step. I understood some parts, first. Others were still unclear to me. But the clear parts grew. More and more pages and stories and speeches became accessible to my mind and my heart. And it seemed as if this biblical book became bright. It seemed to start to have a warm glow. The light of wisdom and understanding!

Learning from the Lord is fantastic. It needs you to want to learn. It needs your passion and your heart. And it also needs you to do what you understand. It is like walking with two legs. One is to listen, the other is to do. You cannot walk on one leg only. You need both of them, and step by step you will move forward.

Learn your life …


The biblical books talk about life. You do not learn a particular technique. You learn how to live in the wisdom and light of the Lord. You learn about his heart - you even learn to be in and with his heart. He sends the Holy Spirit, who comes into your heart and mind to live with you - when you give your life to the Lord.

Life with the Lord has many components. All parts of life are his, and the biblical books touch all parts of life, from childhood to retirement age, from conflict to collaboration, from partnership to sexuality. God has created the human in his image - and he knows us inside out.

Learning to live with the Lord means to see and experience how he sees things. We learn how he reacts, and what his spirit suggests in a particular situation, in a conflict or challenge. It is sometimes surprising, to see how he resolves problems, in his miraculous ways. It is fantastic, again and again, to live with him! (Roland Potthast) ... more texts

jn_en_2013_06_27.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by