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Deutsche Version | Wiki Start | Themen Kollektion ix

Good Works Prepared for Me ...

Monday, May 10, 2021. How do you make decisions about today? How do you generate your plans, your ideas, your tasks? Perhaps most of your tasks are given by your job and your family framework. But that is a very limited viewpoint. The way we carry out our tasks is important, it is crucial. We can change things, just by changing the way we act and do what we need to to!

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Grace in Everything …

The New Testament talks about the grace which God gives to us in Christ. First of all, this grace is the grace of justice, which opens the door for us to be in his presence. In Christ we are justified, we are forgiven, we are love and called into a community of purity and true love.

8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2, 8-10)

The text interprets what this grace in Christ means. It is beyond a passive state for ourselves. Grace is something which changes our whole existence. It is life. It is being. It is action.

God creates good works for you and for me. He creates good works for today, for now. The way we do what we do can change our day. We can make decisions. We are called to discover what he has prepared for us.

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His Preparation …

It is very interesting. The work which God prepares for us is good. But it is not designed in a way that we might boast. Our value is not made by our decisions. It is made by the Lord. It is not made by our money, not by our achievements, not by our originality, not by our beauty, not by our friendship, not by our love.

God gives us value. He gives us acceptance. He is love himself. He wants us to become part of his community - and to become part of his love as well. In his love, he lets us take part in his creativity. It is his gift. It is his love. We are creative, and we can be loving. We can change the way we do things.

We might ask him to show us the works he has made for us today. God, please open our eyes! Open our physical eyes and the spiritual eyes of our heart and our mind, do discover what good things you want us to enter today, step by step! (Roland Potthast)

jn_en_2021_05_10.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/10 11:24 by potthast