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Spiritual Gifts 2 - Examples of Gifts.

Tuesday, Sept 22, 2009. Yesterday we have discussed the basic concept of Christian spirituality. The Holy Spirit makes the Christian a part of the body of Christ. He enables the Christian by his power to carry out a particular service. The capabilities which the spirit gives are called the “gifts of the spirit”. What are these gifts?

The bible, itself provides examples of particular “gifts” which the Holy Spirit gives to the believers. Lists of spiritual gifts can be found in First Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4. The gifts are sometimes linked to the three persons of God himself, to father, son and spirit.

Romans 12:6-8 Ephesians 4:11 1 Corinthians 12:1-14

Prophecy, Ministry, Teaching, Exhortation, Giving, Leading, Showing mercy (compassion)

Apostolic, Prophectic, Evangelical, Pastoral, Teaching

Wisdom, Knowledge, Discerning of spirits (human, angelic, demonic), Speaking in tongues, Interpretation of tongues, Prophecy, Faith, Working of miracles, Healing


How can we understand these gifts? What is happening when the gifts are used? Are the gifts necessarily supernatural or can natural talents be a part of them?

The gifts are both natural and supernatural - we are an integrated personality with body and spirit, and when we carry out particular tasks, we use all our possibilities. But the core of the spiritual gifts is spiritual, since the gift refers to the activity of the Holy Spirit in us. An apostle cannot be an apostle if he is not sent and guided by the Holy Spirit in his activity as an apostle. A prophet cannot speak God's truth, if he or she is not guided by the spirit. Miracles cannot be carried out if God is not present with his power. There are gifts where this is obvious. Other gifts like “teaching” seem to be more “normal”. But also here teaching will not succeed if the Holy Spirit does not open the heart and the mind of the people who are taught. Thus, spiritual teaching needs the continuing activity of the Holy Spirit. That someone can teach and that people learn about the living God in a realistic way is a clear spiritual gift!

Are there more gifts than those who are listed in the three columns above? The bible does not explicitly name others, but the way these lists are written clearly indicates that they are lists of examples, they are not exclusive. The gift of music is mentioned in the Old Testament, but it is not mentioned in the lists above. Music and worship can clearly be a spiritual gift.

It is absolutely amazing what people can achieve when they use their spiritual gifts. Ordinary people can significantly contribute to the community. For example, the impact of some words of wisdom, or some personal words of encouragement, can be very strong and lasting. We are a part of God's enormous project with this world - and we are equipped with his spiritual gifts to collaborate with him in a deep and lasting way. We will talk about discovering our own gifts tomorrow. [R.W.E.P.,]


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