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Nature III - God's Creation ...

Friday, Feb 12, 2010. As a scientist and Christian believer I would like to share some view on Creation. As a scientist I have gone through the whole range of stages of a professional in science. I am working on the reconstruction of quantities from remote measurements, with applications in physics, archaeology, medicine, cognitive neuroscience and meteorology. I like science. For me, science is just a way to systematically look into nature and into our world, which includes the physical world in the same way as it includes the world of cognition, of thoughts and perception, of emotions and language.

What is the relation of faith to natural science? Science studies nature - and it is God's nature we study. It is a fascinating nature. And we are beings with a lot of creativity, which is fascinating as well. I consider this creativity and curiosity as God's gifts to us. We are made that way.


Science evolves and changes over time

I think that faith changes the way we see things. It does not necessarily change the science itself, but the view into the things and sometimes our interpretations of what we find. Science itself has some part, which is not based on personal ideas, but on facts and on observations and proofs. But then there is also a layer where our personal convictions play a big role.

People who do science have basic ideas about what they do, how they do it and what their goal is. That has changed over time in the past and will continue to evolve. We should take science serious to some extent. But we should also know that it is temporary and evolving, and that many things we believe to be scientific true today, will be proven to be at most relatively true or even wrong tomorrow. For example: science works with models and approximations, and our basic idea of the role of these models has strongly evolved over the past 200 years!


You will not find God through Science

So we live in a world with exciting science, and with an exciting God. You will not find God using science, if you do not have faith. God is there, but only through faith we discover his footsteps and realize his presence. I think it is clear that science itself will not discover God through science. He has created the possibility to live in this world without him - our 60 or 80 or 100 years. And he has invited us to discover him and his presence, in our lifetime and beyond! Here, science will not help us, but only faith can carry us into his realm and connect us to him ... more texts

jn_en_2010_02_12.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by