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My Calling 1 - Introduction ...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010. Is there a purpose of my life? If yes, what is it, what could it be? What is your idea of purpose and calling?


Special or general calling?

Some people live with a very special sense of purpose. They know that they are there to do particular things. Some develop new ideas in science. Others have special impact on their country. Others again live to help people. There are some mothers who feel it to be their purpose to support their children and their husband. Others are made to have a career and be the first to break the bonds of suppression, to work as politicians or executives.

I usually use the word “feel” for these callings. It is not classical emotions. But it is some kind of intuitive knowledge which resembles our feelings of love or dedication. We “know” some things, without a particular knowledge of how we know and why our knowledge is valid.

In history people had a very particular calling from God. Abraham was called to move and live in a foreign country - to live with God and practice justice and mercy. Moses was called to free his people from Egypt. Joshua was called to lead his people into the promised land. John the baptist was called to announce the coming messiah. Jesus was called to sacrifice his life for all humankind. Peter was called to be the rock of the early church. We are confronted with a range of figures who had very special and specific callings.

Is there a calling for me?

Do I have a special calling? Is it as specific as the calling of Paul or of Peter? Or is it more a general calling as it is expressed many times in the New Testament by Jesus himself: “come to me and be free”? How do I develop a sense of understanding of God's callings? How do I know that HE is calling me? Is he still calling people today? I can have many questions and both Christians and Non-Christians usually want to know why they are there and what tasks their life is good for.

How does my calling fit into my overall life, into my family, into my job, to my children and my wife or husband or partner? How do I follow my calling, when I start to understand and know it?

In general I believe that God wants every life to be full of purpose. It is a part of his purpose and love that he gives us gifts and a personal calling. It can be very specific, and it can be quite general, giving me freedom to act in and outside of his church, spreading his wisdom and love today and tomorrow. Our task this week will be to explore this calling more, to think about it in more depth and to go some steps to find out what I am here for … ... more texts

jn_en_2010_04_13.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by