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Ideas for us 1 - Basic Needs Met ...

Monday, August 23, 2010. We want to discuss “ideas for us”, ideas for our modern world, ideas where we should go, what we could or should do. Ideas which can shape our world since they attract humans and help to further develop society.

But we will also ask what God thinks about our ideas. We ask what he wants, what he tells us about our ideas and our goals. We want to ask him to tell us his goals and to guide us to a deeper understanding of the world we live in.


Basic Needs Met…

My first and initial thought when thinking about ideas for us is that we all have basic needs. These needs are clearly quite important. We need food. We need water. we need clothing and shelter. We need other people to talk to, to live with, to have community with.

When our basic needs are not met, we do not want to talk about other ideas or goals. We are just in need. We do not need art, but food. We do not need leisure, but water and shelter.

In some parts of our world basic needs are met. In the UK or Germany no one needs to stay hungry. The state provides funding for basic needs for everyone. However, still in these countries it can be challenging to earn a salary which supports a family. Even for well educated people it might be hard to live in a high-price environment. Social balance and justice is not fully developed and there are huge challenges for the presence and the future.


We dream of a world where basic needs are met for everyone. Globally, the challenge is enormous and could absorb all our hopes, with 17% of the world population suffering from hunger and malnutrition.

God is suffering with us … and wants change!

God is suffering jointly with around 1 Billion humans who suffer from hunger. He is suffering with us. The New Testament speaks of Jesus as “God with us”, who comes to mankind as a human, be restore community between God and mankind. We can be sure that God lives in complete solidarity with every suffering human on the planet.

The current hunger in the world is not a consequence of a lack of resources, but it is a political problem; it is a distribution problem! It is a problem of humans who are not able to organize their societies such that everyone will have a reasonable outcome, with all basic needs met.

One of the key important ideas and visions for our global society is a world where there is no hunger, where everyone has food, water, shelter and clothing, family and friends, where all elementary needs are met! Jesus called his disciples to give food to the hungry and to help their neighbors when problems of any kind arise. We are called to fight hunger, to help our human brothers and sisters everywhere. ... more texts

jn_en_2010_08_23.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by