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Starting the faith journey 3 ...

Monday, Jan 31, 2011. Starting a journey is usually full of expectations and of dreams. We have some ideas about what we expect. We have fears. And we are full of dreams what we would like to experience or reach.


Dreams and Ideas and Fears …

What dreams do we have about faith? What dreams do we have about our world, about the environment we life in? What do we dream of for our own person, for our environment? Everyone of us has his or her own ideas … our dreams are linked to our character and our experiences.

It is sometimes good to broaden our view. Only with a wide view we can develop dreams. Only when we dream, we can make real progress in some area. Progress needs targets, it needs goals, it needs dreams.

But dreams might also be linked to fears. When we dream of something new, it might fail or never come. We might be standing there alone, we might be loosers, we might be completely devastated. Fears can keep us from dreaming or from pursuing some goal!


Faith and Reality …

When we talk about dreams and faith, we need to remark that for faith dreams and reality are not far from each other. Important figures in the bible had dreams which were crucial for their faith journey. God spoke to people in dreams.

But dreams are also close to God's reality, because God can do much more than we can dream of. Dreams bring us closer to his possibilities, to his power, to his unbelievable options. Where we dream, we can discover what God can do!

Of course, not every dream reflects God's will and shows what he does or will do. We dream ourselves, our hopes and fears are also reflected in our dreams. So we need to distinguish, we need to learn who God is and what he wants, to be able to identify him when he talks to us. That is part of our journey into the land of faith. ... more texts

jn_en_2011_01_31.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by