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Valuable Humans ...

Monday, March 28, 2011. The latest film festivals gave prices to the winners recently. Prices for the best actor, the best music, the best actor, the costumes etc etc. Who is the best? Who is valued most? Who attracts the most attention?

How Much Are You Worth? …

How much is a human worth? Is this determined by the prices we get? Is it determined by the attention we get? Is it controlled by the money we earn? How is human value defined?

We live in a world which has various methods to measure value. Mostly, it is determined by the market. Who sells best? Who attracts the most people and by their attention the most money? Most things are measured by the market share or market value of something.

But we all know, at least deep in our heart, that all these methods are very relative only. We all know somewhere in our soul that there is more about value than the markets can tell us. We all know that humans ARE valuable.

God's Viewpoint …

The biblical view into value is determined by the eternal God. He is the beginning and the end. What he values, is valuable. What he does not value, will not be valuable in the end. God's viewpoint is important.

And God values humans. He values them so much that he became a human himself: Jesus. He came to live with humans. He died for humans - to save them. He resurrected a human for eternal life: Jesus. And he wants all of us to be with him, all humans.

We can barely grasp the value which God puts in us. He values us deeply. He loves us with an eternal and powerful love, much higher and much deeper than anything we have ever experienced. The value he puts into every single human life is more than our whole world economy. We cannot outperform this value … it is breathtaking! ... more texts

jn_en_2011_03_28.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by