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Is faith true? ...

Friday, April 15, 2011. Is faith true? That is an important question, which often is not explicitly discussed. Some people think that faith is not true and cannot be true or false since it is faith. Others believe it is true and invite people to believe. Others again think that it is an illusion anyway, and work against it or ignore it. But what can we say?


Truth of faith …

Is faith true and what does it mean that it is or that it is not? I must admit right at the beginning, that I believe Christian faith to be true. I think it is true. I am convinced that it is true and I learned that this conviction cannot be changed just quickly, since it is built on years of study, on experiences, on my personal way through this life. Even when I am sometimes disappointed of God since he did not do what I wanted him to do, I still believe in him. What else should I do - since I know that he is there and what is written about him is true!

Truth of faith means that there is really a God, that God is the God who is described in the bible and that the experiences which people made with him are based on facts. Faith is true also means that the persona transformation through faith, which the bible talks about, happens when people come to faith. It means that the trust we put in God is justified, because he is a trustworthy God. It means that he is powerful and that he indeed acts in our life. It means that he hears our prayers and that he answers them, that he takes every single prayer serious.

Faith is true does not necessarily mean that every way in which we formulate a particular doctrine would be 100% correct, when we match it with the reality of God. Our words try to catch the reality - the great and wide and wonderful reality of the living creator, holy source of life!


See yourself, try it out …

Faith is faith. It means that it has the component of trust, which cannot be left aside. Faith needs your decisions that you want to trust, that you want to know, want to follow, want to listen, want to see …!

When you never approach faith personally, I think, you will not be able to judge it. Only when you meet God yourself, by reading the Bible, by praying, by community with other Christians, only then you will be able to see! See yourself!

Yes, you need to try it out. You need to go to God and talk to him, seriously. You need to ask him to show himself to you, by all the various tools and ways he has to talk and to give insight. Truth needs you to search and to find. ... more texts

jn_en_2011_04_15.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by