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Our Idea of History ...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011. Burning streets in London and Manchester. The stock market in turmoil, with losses, recovery. European politics struggling to catch up with the speed of the events in financial markets. We cannot say that History would be over. We are in the middle of it.


History is Now …

Our society is quickly moving. There are many problems to solve, challenges to meet. Our education system needs further development. Economy needs to be stimulated. Debts need to be paid.

Am I involved in history personally? I am involved, since all the social events change my environment. I am taking part, and with what I do I can also influence the events, sometimes just a little bit, sometimes a lot.

There have been just 200 people rioting in Birmingham. Thus 200 people can make a difference - here in a negative direction. But also single people can make a difference with much positive influence. We see this again and again when speeches of individuals influence many others. History is now and we are an active part of it with all, what we do!


The Lords Supper …

I have been preparing an introduction into the Lord's supper yesterday. We went through the 2000 years of Christian history, looked into the beginning of the interaction between God and his people with the commandments of Moses, where the “Old Testament” had one of its key milestones. The “New Testament” is then the reconciliation of the first contract between God and mankind through and with Jesus.

We might also consider the Old Testament as history, which is long gone. But the biblical fathers kept it as a part of the bible, and that of course has good reasons. This history is not over, it is still very relevant for us today. It can and should influence our life - not by completely copying its patterns, but by reading it with the wisdom which the holy spirit provides.

The Lord's supper is an invitation to celebrate the community with Jesus, the community with God today through the holy spirit. Here, the biblical history becomes active, it starts to be a part of our presence and our future. Then, faith will develop its own history, when we start to live in faith today and tomorrow. ... more texts

jn_en_2011_08_10.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by