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Spiritual Gifts ...

Thursday, Oct 27, 2011. We are currently talking about particular talents and gifts which humans have. The bible also names many gifts which are special in the sense that they are given by the Holy Spirit to believers, i.e. to those who believe in Christ Jesus.


Spiritual Gifts …

The spiritual gifts are given by the grace of God. They cannot be earned, but they are given to those who belive and live with Christ. Spiritual gifts are special capabilities which are given by the spirit.

Spiritual gifts are listen at various places in the New Testament. Popular lists are given in Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 1 Corinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:11 and 1 Peter 4:11.

What are the gifts of the spirit? The different lists are not identical, but name different capabilities, some of them supernatural, others seem to be quite natural gifts like the gift of teaching or the gift of administration.


Purpose of the Gifts …

There is a purpose for the gifts. They are given such that every individual can take part in the building work of the kingdom of God. God wants to spread and grow his kingdom. It is a kingdom of faith, a kingdom of believers - not made by power, but by free choices of individuals, who are driven by the Holy Spirit.

The gifts are one way how God loves us. He wants us to take part. He wants to give. He wants to enable. He made us in a way such that work is an integral part of our life. So now we can contribute this work to his kingdom. And since his kingdom is made by the spirit, the gifts of the spirit are very important for us to enable us to contribute!

It is quite fascinating to explore the gifts of the Lord. It is as fascinating as exploring his creation. But much more fascinating is to explore himself! And the spirits should help us all to get to know him better and to live a life which is full of him and his holy spirit. When our heart longs to be close to him, then we can use the gifts of the spirit wisely. (Roland Potthast) ... more texts

jn_en_2011_10_27.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by