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Deutsche Version | Wiki Start | Topics Collection ix

Relationship of Trust ...

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017. The bible wants to guide us to a relationship of trust to the Lord, to the eternal God. It is a relationship which is quite exciting to explore. It is like a good friendship, where you realize step by step how fantastic your friend is! God is fantastic, you can experience it yourself …


With all your heart …

The Old Testament has many passages where we are taken into nearly New Testament type spiritual characteristics. In the book “Proverbs” we find long passages on Wisdom and Understanding, which link right into the wisdom passages on Christ Jesus which the apostle Paul has written many centuries later. Have a look:

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. 7 Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. 8 It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones. (from Proverbs 3)

Learning from him is the key topic here - and indeed: he is wise. From a more general viewpoint it seems clear that God should have much more wisdom than we have: he is eternal, he is omnipresent and knows everything. He has created mankind - he should know it. He has lived with humans since they were created. He should know!

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His Wisdom …

At the same time, we have our struggle with his wisdom. God is fully modest. He does not need to boast, he does not need applause by humans. But we need encouragement and appreciation - we do not have life by ourselves, but we are dependent on him, dependent on one another. Still: he wants us to live from his love, from his trust and presence in the first place. His love wants to reach my heart, completely!

The justice we find in the Lord is just fantastic. Humans try to gain their own advantage. I believe that this is foreign to the Lord. It is not a part of love, and he is love. He is not looking for gain in the worldly sense, but for gain in the spiritual sense. This gain is trust, joy, love, truth, dedication!

We live in a fantastic creation. We are told to explore it, to work with it, to use it, to maintain it, to nurture it and build in and on it. And humans do, they invented civilization, they built towns and roads, houses, gardens, fields … All science is part of our interplay with creation. Fantastic! God gave us a playing field, to live in it in his wisdom and justice and truth and love, and in all with full trust in him acknowledging him as creator and eternal father! (Roland Potthast) ... more texts

jn_en_2017_01_24.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by