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Deutsche Version | Wiki Start | Theme Collection ix

All the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge ...

Thursday, Jan 31, 2019. Let us discuss one point today. In our text from the letter of Colossians yesterday it was claimed that in Christ there are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge. What does it mean? In what sense is it true? What are the consequences for us personally? What are these treasures of wisdom, what treasures of knowledge? In what way does it link into modern science and knowledge? How does it relate to our personal life?

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Christ …

Let us recall the text, where the apostle Paul writes about his struggle and about God himself:

1 For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea and for all who have not seen me face to face, 2 that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Col 2, 1ff)

Let us first note that Paul talks about the hearts of humans here, about their relationship, shaped and formed by love. So all words about wisdom and knowledge are said in a framework of a community. We do not talk about abstract wisdom or abstract knowledge. It is about very concrete knowledge and about relationships.

Second, we talk about the mystery of Christ. You might ask: are we able to understand, or is it hidden? Why is it called a mystery? The point is that fully understanding Jesus is linked to faith. It is linked to discipleship, that means faith practiced day by day in a personal way. It means to follow the words and commands and - above all - the spirit of Christ!

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Christian Process …

Becoming a Christian is a process. You search. You ask. Then you start to discover Jesus. You start to realize that indeed, there is wisdom in his life, in his words, in all he is and did. You start to take his commands serious. You change your life, in single individual steps. You start to be honest. You start to accept what he tells you.

Becoming a Christian is linked to very clear, easy and yet deep steps. To become a Christian means to have faith in Jesus, in the sense that he died for you. You accept forgiveness and reconciliation through the cross. Without this personal step, the bible would not call your thoughts faith. It talks about Jesus being the saviour, the lamb, the door, the life, the good shepherd.

To find the wisdom which is in Christ, you need this faith. You need discipleship, to live faith. Then, your mind and your heart start to realize that indeed he is right. Indeed, his words describe what is important. Indeed, in him there is unbelievable freedom. In him, there is joy. In him, there is a better way. Treasures of wisdom and knowledge flow through him and from him into your life. (Roland Potthast) ... further texts

jn_en_2019_01_31.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/31 09:05 by potthast