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New Year's Eve 2019/2020...

Monday, Dez 30, 2019. Hello friend! The year 2019 has come to its end, 2020 is starting tomorrow. How are you doing? What is it that moves you? What are you looking forward to in 2020? What is still worrying you?

Today I had a coffee with a friend. It was very nice to see her again, after quite a while where we did not have time to talk to each other. But we had only an hour, and I thought afterwards, that it was a pity that we did not really talk about life, about what is important, about our faith, our questions, our hopes and dreams. To some extend, we talked about dreams, and about personal developments. But there could be so much more!

God is worth it …

What is it that we should think about at the end of the year? It would be good to think back and thank for all good things. It would be good to mourn about all losses. Tears are good, when they are tears about really valuable people and valuable things, which we lost.

We could think about what we managed to do in the past 12 month. What were the successes which we were able to achieve? What were the things which went really well? And it is good to realize where we failed, and to admit where we were on the wrong track. What is it that went totally wrong, or partly wrong. Let us search forgiveness for all of that!

It is always good to think about people we love. When we focus on our love, we can forget about all other things. Success and failure looses its importance in the presence of mere love. And indeed, this approach to life is much better than anything else. And there are people we love. There are things we are interested in, which we love to do. If we do something just because we love it, what else can we achieve when we have time to do it? There is nothing else. We have arrived.

But human things alone cannot fill our heart. There is the origin and ultimate goal of all what is, which we need to find. It is God, who is the origin of love, and he is the center of love which lets us come home completely.

God is worth to talk about him. He is worth to search him. He is worth to talk To and WITH him and to live with him.

Looking ahead …

It is good to look ahead. What is it, we long to achieve? What is it, that is really important to us? From a Christian viewpoint it is God himself. He is the one we need. All other things will then find their place. It is God in father, son and holy spirit.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (2 Kor 13,14)

God can be there day by day. He is there to talk to us. He WILL answer, when we ask him. He really wants us to live with him and to talk to him. He wants to be companion, guide, Lord.

You cannot work out the purpose of God in your life on one day. It needs to be worked out day by day, year by year. You need to search him, to read his word, to listen and listen and listen. And you need to do. Only then, you will be able to learn more, and to hear him. There is no connection to the Lord without the willingness to hear and do.

Honestly, I need God. And I believe that every human needs him. The world needs God. Only then, we can find our personal path to sustainable behaviour, to love and forgiveness, to truth and faithfulness. He can be the power and force to me personally to go deep with my mind and my emotions.

There is so much to discover. Let us follow this up in the new year 2020, when the grace of the Lord allows us to do so. Let us live with him, listen to him, search truth and reality, love and forgiveness. With joy and excitement I am looking ahead, what the Lord has prepared for me, and for you, and for all of us! (Roland Potthast)

This is part of the trilogy project “Faith of a Scientist”.

jn_en_2019_12_30.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/30 21:21 by potthast