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Deutsche Version | Wiki Start | Themen Kollektion ix

God Helps ...

Monday, Jan 16, 2023. Human life can be threatened by many things. All of us know the threat which illness can pose. But there are many other threats, war and trouble of many kind. What is the role of faith in all of these threats? Let us talk about it …

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The living God …

God is a living God. The bible confirms that there is nothing which would not be under control of the eternal God. But of course, in the middle of this world it appears as if there are many humans who make their own decisions - and they do. There are many powers, human, states, groups, individuals - in the physical and the spiritual world -, which have their own goals and agenda.

It is interesting to read the Old Testament to hear the struggle and experiences of the people of Israel in ancient times with God's presence and Gods help in the middle of all the challenges.

God brought them out of Egypt. They are as strong as a wild ox. 23 There isn’t any magic that can hurt the people of Jacob. No one can use magic words to harm Israel. Here is what will be said about the people of Jacob. Here is what will be said about Israel. People will say, “See what God has done!” (4 Mose 23, 22ff)

The people of Israel were given a unique promise. This promise of God told them: be pure and follow my commandments, and I will protect you. Leave my ways, and the powers of this world will overwhelm you. It was a unique promise given to these people more than 3000 years ago.

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God can help …

What is our situation with respect to the promise which God gave to Israel? This promise was just the first step in God's goal of salvation. The promise to Israel was the ground on which he sent Christ Jesus. Jesus fulfilled the law, he lived up to the promise. With him, the promise is given to all people on the planet. It is the promise that in Jesus we enter God's kingdom. In him, every believer can become a child of God.

In Jesus also all other promises become true. God's presence, his help, his mercy, his love, his justice, become part of our life. Still, the world is going its way. But in Jesus, we become wanderers in this world, who have seen a different home. We now belong to the eternal Lord, we are touched by his pure heart.

When Jesus enters my life, it is not that I become perfect. I am not perfect. I am still myself, with all the good and bad experiences, with the stupid decisions which I have done or which still play a role in my life. But his presence, his love, his mercy change everything, my past, my presence and my future. They change me and the way I do things, the way I act and talk.

God's help is a miracle in the middle of trouble. But in him, magic and powers are not what they used to be. His eternal perspective is strong, and it is here already today. He can do many things to help, many things to protect and to save. Yes, indeed, Amen. (Roland Potthast)

jn_en_2023_01_16.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/16 08:19 by potthast