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Deutsche Version | Wiki Start | Topics Collection iv

Financial Crisis Attitude ...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012. There is yet another important European summit over the next two days. The European leaders are trying to find a solution for the financial crisis … but what is a way which leads into a good future?


Open to help and contribute …

My own attitude in this type of crisis is: I am open to contribute to its resolution. I am open to work for it, to give money for it, to contribute with my possibilities, with what I have.

But of course, when you work on something, you want to know where and how you can contribute. As a responsible leader in my environment, I want to know what the community gets out of my contributions. It makes a big difference to contribute in a responsible way or just to dump money somewhere, without any real benefit for anyone. So I want to contribute, but in a way that it really helps.

I believe there would be a huge wave of help and positive change, if we could organize a system in which help really helps. All the discussions about structural reforms take this direction. But when you want responsibility on a European scale, you also need a lot of interaction on a European scale. When someone from Ireland invests into Bavaria, he wants to see his investment flourish, he will be there and monitor, he will interact and will talk to the people about the structures and how his investment is working out. The same is true for investments in Greece, Spain or Portugal, of course.


Biblical Advice …

The New Testament calls us to be responsible for one another. In this sense, I believe we should act like this on a European and global scale. It is not just about “this is my pocket, this is yours”. It is about a good way for all - which includes sincere discussions about details of measures and strategy, to come to some joint steps. Sometimes, that is a hard phase, with disagreement and agreement over various points and layers.

I do not see that the New Testament calls us to close our eyes and give blindly. It asks us to do much more: to take the problems serious and make them to our own problems. Jesus has been God, and became human to suffer and solve the problems which his enemies - the humans - had! He has taken us serious, and he asks us to take one another serious in the same way. We are a community strongly influenced by Christian faith, in southern Europe as in northern Europe. So let us follow these traditions, and go steps of real faith.

We all have a responsibility, politicians, media and individuals. We all can do a lot - at least by raising our voice in our environment and contributing to constructive solutions! You can do a lot yourself, go and see … (Roland Potthast) ... more texts

jn_en_2012_06_28.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by