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Deutsche Version | Wiki Start | Topics Collection vii

Faith IV - Not Yet ...

Monday, Aug 24, 2015. What is faith about? How does it work? What is it based on and what is its content? Christian faith is a deep way of life, it is a deep way of how to be and what to be. We need to explore faith - the original faith, the faith which the Old and New Testament talk about.

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What you see and what you do not see …

Faith does not mean you are completely blind. The Christian faith is based on a “come and see”. It is based on God himself, on his existence, on his words, on Christ Jesus, the son of God, who lived among us. The Christian faith is based on very sound things, on the New Testament as well as on the Old Testament.

Yet, faith is often about things which are not yet there. God makes promises, which are not yet reality. Faith means to trust, when things did not yet happen. In the New Testament letter of Hebrews, a whole chapter is talking about faith. Let us read a little bit here:

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (Heb 11:1)

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Risk of faith …

There is some risk in faith. When you move forward in faith, you do not see yet. You do not know what will happen. The letter of Hebrews gives us many examples, where great things have happened when people were living their faith. But it also gives us examples where they dies in faith, without the miraculous salvation. Faith does not mean that we know exactly, how God will act.

You might say: what is faith then good for? If you do not know what will happen anyway, why move forward in faith? But that leads you into a destructive attitude! First, you are immediately bound to what is there already. Only when you go beyond the current facts, you will make a true difference! And second, if you do not believe you will never experience the wonders and miraculous presence of the eternal God, who was and is and will be, in the middle of our life, when we live with him in trust and faith.

Without faith, you are lost. With faith, it is still up to God, how to resolve the situation or whether he wants to take you into eternity. With faith, either way will be good, since he is taking the lead! (RWEP) ... more texts

jn_en_2015_08_24.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by