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Technology I - What's the difference? ...

Tuesday, Feb 2, 2010. There are many quite interesting steps forward which technology has made over the past years. With the internet we have a global network. It suddenly emerged, within some years between 1984, when the technical protocol was first established, and 1993, when the graphical layer was introduced, which is today part of every browser technology.

When we look back into the emergence of technology, we find important steps forward in the past as today. When the first railway was built, travel suddenly became easy and distance received a different meaning. When the first commercial planes were launched, the distance between continents was miniaturized. With the internet you can go from the US to Europe in milliseconds - and back. Technology is and remains fascinating.

However, is there a new quality of technology? Is the progress we have made until today different from the progress which forging technology from 3000 BC to 1000 AD? Yes, we have learned a lot about nature and how we can influence it - and we will probably continue to learn even more. That helps a lot. But is there a qualitative difference? We still live and die. We still marry, get children, raise them, become old … Technology is a part of our life - it has been a part of the civilization when Jesus lived. Of course we are much further, and our life is different technically. That is good. But …!

Still, technology does not give purpose to our life. Still, we are humans with all our hopes, our wishes, our problems. We want to love and to be loved. We want to be appreciated. We want to find joy. Still, we long for God - and might not be able to find him. Still, we build tools, we are fascinated by our adult toys, but they cannot give us guidance. Is the situation as humans so different today from the situation 2000 years ago? To some extent it is different - on another layer it is not … And God is still there, searching for our heart! [R.W.E.P.,]

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jn_en_2010_02_02.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by