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Waiting for Steps of Faith ...

Wednesday, April 3, 2013. I am thinking about steps of faith, currently. My background is faith. I do believe. I believe in Christ. I believe him, that he is God's love, that he is the saviour, that he is the one who is in the center of God's plans with mankind. But what does it mean? How to live my life in faith?


Steps of faith in my life …

One key point for me is the question: how can I have faith better penetrating my life. It is a quest for good steps and decisions. But it is more than that. It is also a question: is it necessary? Is it the right mechanism I am trying to use?

You can have different images how faith influences your life. The bible tells us about the new birth. When you come to faith in Christ, you are a new creation. You are like a little baby in the new creation, who is growing “in Christ” and needs to be fed and nurtured. But that image tells you that you should not worry too much. You are a new creation anyway … so the new nature will find its way!

But on the other hand, the New Testament urges us to search steps of faith, to search God day by day, to pray hour by hour. And we do. We search him, we search his guidance and his wisdom and his presence. We search his love, his justice, his power. We search his help and his leadership. God, we search you always. What are the good steps of faith for me today?


Waiting as faith step? …


Do not expect all the answers from me this morning. I am waiting for the Lord, to help me see. I am waiting for him to clear my heart and my mind. So often I have thought: I know what he wants. And certainly, I knew it many times. But then new questions come, deeper questions. Growth also means that you reach a point where things change. That could be a part of the “new life”, the baby growing up. Responsibility is part of the life which Christ gives us.

Could we wait for the Lord together? Perhaps you can pray yourself, with your background, with your own faith, urge him to guide us? Community in faith seems to be a crucial thing, a very important part of faith itself.

I am longing for him, but also for his people, to raise their voice in the conflicts and problems of our time. We need people of faith - not pure conservatism, but God's wisdom, God's love, his truth and justice. We need it every day in our media, in our news. We need discussions, where people of faith have their say. I am waiting for steps of faith - and it seems my heart is starting to speak, his spirit is starting to speak already … (Roland Potthast) ... more texts

jn_en_2013_04_03.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by