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Deutsche Version | Wiki Start | Topics Collection viii

Join the Prayer Path ...

Saturday, Jan 9, 2016. Thinking about our church, I have developed a strong desire for prayer over the past weeks. We have a nice church, it is free evangelical with about 100-150 people coming together on Sunday mornings. Just as so many churches around the globe … with things which are very good, and with some things which could be better. But what is the perspective? Where to go, what to do, how to develop our church further?

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An idea for guidance into prayer …

We are just like so many churches around the globe - evangelical, Pentecostal, baptist, charismatic, free evangelical, … we have music teams, kids service and kids groups, several groups for kids during the week, some elders, some leaders for different parts of the church, a full-time pastor. Just the normal thing. So where to go, how to proceed, what to do? I can do nothing but think of prayer and the gospel. I can only think of discipleship, but one which comes from prayer and from reading this fantastic book: the bible.

As Christians, we are called to prayer. Look into Ephesians 6, for example. We are, of course, called to faith, called into the salvation which comes through and in Christ Jesus. We are called to use the word of God, as written up in the bible and as coming to us in the person of Jesus. In all of this, we are called to “pray in the spirit”, on all occasions. We are called to keep on praying:

16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. (Ephesians 6, 16-18)

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Five Steps to go …

So how do you pray? It would be nice to have a “path of prayer”, with several steps, which you can go. I think of it as different stations, which lead to a “prayer corner” in our church. But it could be your personal path for your own prayer as well, day by day. What are the stations?

1) It should start with “coming to God”. Just come and enter his presence. Become aware that he is always there, and that he is waiting for you right now.

2) Then, you should speak to him, tell him that you want to get to know him. This is the station “speak and listen”: God, please talk to me! Here, you can also bring all your problems, your fears, your tears, your challenges.

3) Then, there should be a third station, where you ask him to enter your life, to come into it. It is the station of “savation”. God, be my goal and my source. God, forgive me my sins in Jesus! God, I give you the leadership in my life, take it and make me whole. Give me life, as you have created it from the very beginning.

4) After this, there is the station of (4) “discipleship”. It means to pray: God, let me learn from you. Let me live with you. Let me follow you. Let me grow in faith and in love, in truth, in the spirit!

5) And then there is the prayer corner, where people pray for each other. It is the “prayer of intercession”. You pray for each other, you bless each other in the name of Christ Jesus - father, son and holy spirit.

Somehow I think we should try this in our churches. We should have stations with these names - and then suggestions how to pray. We can have cards with prayers on them. And we can give visual ideas how to carry it out, images, colors. When you go this path, you will be surprised. The Holy Spirit is there, today, any time. He will fill you, guide you, help you - and bring joy! (RWEP) ... more texts

jn_en_2016_01_09.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by