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Gospels 3 - How to read the gospels? ...

Thursday, Dec 3, 2009. When you start reading the gospels, for example the gospel of Matthew, then there are many things which are new or unclear. I have been involved in various bible study groups for more than a decade, reading this book with Christians as well as non-Christians. Meeting an evening and going into some bible text is a great thing. We exchange ideas and understanding, and usually we left the place with the feeling that our life has made a jump forward, that the door to God had opened a little further.

When you read alone or in a little group, what is a good approach to gain understanding. I assume that there are many things which sound unclear or weird to you. How to resolve the questions? How to get access to these old and deep texts?

The bible texts are open to everyone. You do not need a particular education or background. You do not need to be particularly intelligent. You do not need to succeed in a particular practice. But the key ingredient to make progress with understanding is



This means that you will not understand if you are not open to believe God, if you reject his power and possibilities. If you assume that wonders cannot take place, you will not get access to the surpassing power of God, who does wonders. If you think that Jesus cannot be linked to God, you will remain outside of the key message, that God comes to us in him. But all these things are matters of faith. If you have a counter faith, if you are basically blocked for the truth, how can you understand and believe?

So a key point for reading the New Testament is to be open for God, to be open for his wonders and power, to be open for his interaction with our world, in the middle of it. “The word became flesh …” (gospel of John) God came into the world in Jesus. He started something new in him. He showed faith and with the faith of Jesus many things happened.

Try to read the New Testament with eyes and ears of faith. Even if you are not yet sure what to believe, try to read them “as if” you would believe, and then see what you find. Read them in the mode “let us assume that Jesus is God's son, God himself coming into his creation”. Read the gospels with the question: “when God acts here in Jesus, what does that mean? How will I be changed by this? How could I react and what can I think and do?

Of course, it can be extremely helpful to use a bible commentary, or to have some people who can describe and explain some of the connections of the New to the Old Testament. It is good to consult material about the background and meaning, about the social environment of the New Testament. But all of this will not help much, if you have no faith. Without faith it is impossible to understand the gospels. Open your heart and your mind! ... more texts

jn_en_2009_12_03.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by