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Eternal Goals vs Money ...

Tuesday, Nov 20, 2012. What is the role of money in our life? Our modern societies are focussed around money to quite some extent. Money is another term for wealth, for being rich, for having and being able to do. We love to show, and love to shine with our wealth. And without doubt we can build beautiful things with money. We want to contrast this with the New Testament viewpoint!

Biblical Contribution …

Jesus very clearly tells his disciples to love God and not love money. In Luke 16: 13 he says: “No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.”

Jesus wants us to set our mind on things which last. He wants us to focus on something which has value, deep and eternal value. And it should be permanent. It should keep its value. Only eternal things keep their value!

But the main point in the above quotation from the Gospel of Luke is that you cannot go for the money here in this time and place - and for the eternal values at the same time. It is not possible. Jesus gives us this image of the two masters. One master is God, the other master is money. You cannot serve them both!

Choices …

What does it mean practically, the love of God over the love of money? First of all, I would say it starts with discovering God. Without knowing him, without experiences with him, without discipleship you cannot follow him. How should you, if you have no idea about him and his kingdom. So go to him, talk to him, be with him and learn from him first!

This needs choices. You choose to sit down and pray. You choose to read about him. You need to choose to meet other people who study the bible and exchange experiences with the Lord. You need choices, faith is linked to choices!

And within faith, you will continue to choose. You choose to put his kingdom first. You choose to use your money and your time for him. You choose your workplace according to particular criteria, following him. You choose his truth, his realiability, his friendliness. You choose justice over profit. (Roland Potthast) ... more texts

jn_en_2012_11_20.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/18 16:48 by